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Game not working...

Uncaught ReferenceError: Phaser is not defined

Uncaught TypeError: $(...).modal is not a function

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That's definitely a new one, phaser (the game engine ) gets loaded through CDN (content delivery network) online. It's possible that when you tried to load it wasn't able to get the game engine file but I haven't seen that issue repeated here. I'll keep looking for it. Do you have any extensions enabled that disable external scripts? The modal error seems similar because that one comes from Bootstrap which is also pulled via CDN. So again seems like the external scripts files were not pulled when you tried to load in. In the next update I'll make sure to include local copies of those files to fix this.

I'm using uBO in the equivalent of whitelist mode.

In canse of (hosting for games on it is allow only. I'ts mostly done to break games that are online but attempt to pass as singleplayer.


the game doe snot fit my browser window proeprly 

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Can you post a screenshot? lets me set the viewport size when you're on a desktop but my own stylings for mobile may need tweaking.


Hi, so I guess it's a good start. 

from the game wise: Why do resources grow at the green locations? Wouldn't it make more sense to have them once the probe is back?

And my understanding was that the von neumann probes are self replicating. A base hence makes no sense in my eyes. They would travel, gather resources and then split/produce on the way, or?

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Good points and questions, the resources growing right at the planet is a bug, it should be when they get back to the base and it's added to the total. 

The other issue however is with the self replication part. I don't think the new clones are starting from the base, I had it set where they should spawn at a new planet and then head back to base, I'll double check on that. But you're right that this still doesn't really feel like the right behavior for the probes and more over the base is counterproductive.

They should be continuing outwards to new planets and not always going back home each trip. It'll be a big change but definitely worth it. I'll work on this as the next update